Wednesday, March 24, 2010

6 month check up

Your 6 month checkup came a little late. We were out of town for your 4 month checkup, so we had to delay your 6 month visit so that your shots weren't too close together.

You are 19 pounds, 7 ounces. You are 27 inches tall, and your head circumference is 17 inches. For weight, you're int he 90th percentile, height 75th percentile, and head circumference 90th percentile. My little giant baby.

You're healthy, and strong. Your pediatrician comments every time he sees you that you're very strong for your age. This time he mentioned that when he holds your calf, he can feel your strong muscle instead of just the fluff you feel on most babies' legs. That's my girl. You show them how strong you are. Ever since you learned to stand and walk (with help) you've been unhappy doing anything else.

My growing girl.



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