Friday, July 16, 2010

I have not been keeping up with my letters, dear daughter. But you, oh sweet one, have been on a rampage. It's not bad, exactly, just extremely busy.

Daddy is officially "Dad-O" and I am "mom-mae", and we are both blissfully happy with our new names.

Each of us has read you every book you can reach several times today, yesterday, the day before, etc. Since we got home from Michigan you just read from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep. Nothing is as amazing as a book. Especially one with animals, or sounds, or something to touch, or peek a boo pages. Your appetite for books is voracious and amazing. We're happy to read to you, even if it is the 5th time Daddy's read "Mama Do You Love Me" today. And sweetheart I will keep on doing my very best 'moos' when we read "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?" as long as you keep smiling like that.

As soon as dad brings you downstairs in the morning, you crawl over to your books, pull them off the shelf and look for the one you want. When you find it, you hand it to Dad, then hold your arms out to him so he'll pick you up. This is how you tell us you'd like us to read to you. We can't turn you down.

Though I may start hiding some of these books.



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