Saturday, July 10, 2010

tattle tale!

My daughter, you have started tattling on Daddy. When he's doing something you don't like (such as change your diaper) you start yelling, "Mom mom mom mom mom!"

I think this is hilarious, Daddy does not. Probably because he's the one being tattled on. But I love that you call me when something is wrong (even if nothing is really wrong) and I love that you are such a big girl. Even more, I love that you know who I am. I love that you know what "Mom" means. I love that you know how to call me.

I love you.

We took a crazy walk last night. I wish I had brought my camera. We thought that a nice long stroll through the woods would put you right to sleep and give us exercise. Daddy ended up carrying you as I pushed and dragged your stroller through a swamp. You loved it. So much to see and do and touch. We kept you up far too late, but getting muddy was pretty fun. I may take you back out there today just for some pictures!



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