Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You are such a star

Today, Daddy and I took you to a parent's group. Most of the kids were upstairs, but the babysitter really had her hands full with the older kids, so you, a friend of yours, and the two little babies stayed downstairs with the parents. You LOVED it! You had so much fun crawling around to check out the little babies, and you followed your friend around eating her animal crackers (sometimes right out of her hand), you also visited each adult in the room, checking to make sure everybody got one of your big, toothy smiles.

Adelaide, you are so fun.

Bedtime was not as smooth tonight. By the time we got home you were so tired. But you're now happily tied up in your Moby wrap, right on Daddy's chest, your favorite place to be.

Goodnight sweetheart, sweet dreams.



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